Saturday, December 9, 2017

More Water?

8"x6", Oil on Panel
$120 includes shipping in the US
Contact me to purchase through PayPal

Having been a waitress for many years myself, it's easy to tune into how a wait-person is always scanning the room to see what needs to be done. That's what I was thinking of as I painted her. Brought back memories!!

Friday, December 8, 2017

Good Old Days!

Oil on Panel, 12x16 inches

This was such a fun challenge! The detail, the feel of the sun on a cold wintry day, the horses, all of it. It was commissioned by the grand-daughter of the fellow in the painting; really is nice to paint something that will become an heirloom for the family!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Babe In Arms

Image:  8"x6", oil on panel
Framed to 13"x11"
Available through Clearwater Gallery

For quite awhile, a new baby in the extended family meant a painting. I love being able to create something that will be meaningful to an upcoming generation and that commemorates life changes.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Ella Mae

Oil on Panel, 12"x9"

On little Ella Mae's baptism day, she is wearing her great-grandmother's baptism gown, which was also worn by her grandmother and her mother--lovely to see the tradition!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

"On a White Horse"

12"x6", Oil on Panel

I feel that my limited palette of colors here served me well for this painting! Alizarin yellow, quinacridone red, ultramarine blue, a touch of cerulean and radiant white were the colors I used. Although I would love to see my palette full of a whole spectrum of colors, I am not sure I would know where to start! Ever since I began using a base of the 3 primaries in my paintings, I feel my work has had a harmony I'd never been able to achieve before. When I paint with watercolor, inks and acrylics, I use as many colors as seems right, but in my oils, this seems to be my way of working!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Little Man of Letters

12"x9", Oil on Panel; Framed Size:  16"x13"

Little Luke is holding an "R", hence the title.  I think I enjoyed painting the surroundings in this as much as I enjoyed painting Luke!

Winter Light

10"x8", Oil on Panel; Framed size: 15"x13"

Capturing the cool winter light from the outside and the warm light from the INside was a challenge for me in this painting that I did using my limited palette of colors. I've painted more than one version of this and I think this is my favorite!

City Sunset

14"x8", Oil on Panel; Framed size:  18"x12"
Contact me for purchase information

This painting is inspired by a late-day walk in NYCity on a gorgeous June day. Capturing the feel of the last bit of heat from the setting sun and the cooler shadows was my challenge in this painting that I did using a limited palette of colors.

From the Trains

14"x10", Oil on Panel; Framed size 18"x14"
Contact me for purchase information

The setting of this scene is Union Station in Portland, OR. The reflected lights and colors and the feeling of space makes this painting special for me.

Day's End

20"x10", Oil on Panel, Framed size 25"x15"

This painting is inspired by a visit to the New York Public Library. I love the challenge of the reflections and using a limited palette of colors.